Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Twin Pregnancy- Two Bundles Of Joy

Causes of Twin Pregnancy

Twin pregnancies are rare compared to regular single pregnancies. They usually occur in older women, women who are taking fertility treatment, women who are taking certain medications that can cause increase in egg production and in those women, who have a family history of twin pregnancies.

Types of Twins

There are two types of twins, identical twins and fraternal twins. Identical twins happen, when a single egg fertilized by a single sperm splits into two after conception. The Twins will resemble each other closely and will be the same sex. Fraternal twins take place, when two separate sperms fertilize two separate eggs. The twins will be non-identical and may not be of the same sex.

How Twins Are Diagnosed

A multiple pregnancy can be diagnosed by a routine ultrasound check up. Another indication that the woman may have twins is that, her abdomen may look larger than that in a single pregnancy.

Complications in a Twin Pregnancy

In a twin pregnancy, the abdomen is likely to stretch, causing the mother to have urinary problems, varicose veins, or piles. She is also more likely to have pre-eclampsia or high blood pressure. She will have swollen feet and larger amounts of protein in her urine. She will usually have premature babies, which will be smaller than a regular baby will.

Precautions to Be Taken In a Twin Pregnancy

Regular visits to the doctor are necessary to ensure good pre natal care.

The mother should be advised lots of rest.

Extra precaution has to be taken, because the likely hood of giving birth to a premature baby is higher in a twin pregnancy.

Proper tests should be done to ensure a healthy pregnancy

Diet plays an important role. She must eat a hearty meal to be able to fend for two babies in her tummy. She must have folic acid supplements, calcium, and other multivitamins. She should eat green leafy vegetables, legumes and fruits and citrus fruits.

Twin pregnancy is tough on the mother, but the fruits of labor will also give her twice the amount of joy and happiness.

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